Missing Classmates

If you know where these Classmates are please share our web address with them:
If you know the email address for any Classmate below you can click on the Classmate's name to quickly send an email invitation to our site.

George Acevedo
Ted Aitken
Steve Alseth
Jon Barber
Marcia Barnett (Darden)
Susan Barron (Dorner)
Leslie Bond
Kathy Briggs
Bob Brown
Pat Bruno
Rick Byrod
Cheri Caron
Rudy Castillo
Ken Chafin
Bill Clune
Susan Conan
Susan Conrow
Ellen Cooper
Mike Covella
Barbara Dobies
Karla Doble
Dee Drylie
Sandra Elliott
Diane Emmons
Linda Enderle
Kim Garvey (Akers-Rowe)
Dianne Gero
Tom Gilmore
Beverly Grinnis
Tom Gulick
Ceci Gulledge
David Gustafson
Bob Hansen
Suzy Harding
Cindy Haurlan
Ross Hayes
Sue Heacock
Cathy Hemphill
Chris Hemphill (Peaslee)
Eric Hildebrand
Suzan Holm
Richard Holroyd
Jim Hough
Joe Hyatt
Kevin Jackson
Deanna Jaco (Guidero)
Bruce Jessen
Marcia Johnson
Karen Jones
Ann Judson
Chris Korbin
Linda Lazare
Anne Lewis
Pati Linberg
Dennis Logreco
Judy Ludwig
Jussi Mantere
Vanessa Marootian (Backer)
Mike McGowen
Joe Mitchell
Karen Mitchell
David Morris
Frank Naley
Dr. John Neal
Nancy Neal
Rick Nelson
Richard Nepil
Rex Nishimura
Tim Norton
George Owen
Tony Parker
Shane Patterson
Dan Phillips
Denise Platt
Sharon Porchia
Andrew Rea
Bob Richards
Rene Richardson
Thomas Richardson
Scott Rockwell
Jeff Roof
Bruce Ross
Sally Rutherford
Kathy Schall (Kafont)
Jon Schechter
Bob Schneidewind
Linda Schrader
Joe Sherburn
Ken Shirley
Bob Smoot
Donna Sponseller
Dan Stein
David Stevens
Lucinda Stites
James Straub
Donna Stubblefield (Garcia)
Mary Svendsen (Mendoza)
Jerry Thom
Leslie Uhrick
Liz Van Cleve
Doug Vivian
Allison Weber
Kim Whiffen
Kathy Whittaker
Cindy Wilcox
Debra Wiley
Tina Wilson
Mark Younger

Guest Members

Janet Austin (Class Of 1973)
Chris Bonthius (Class Of 1973)
Rebecca Carranza (Class Of 1972)
Katy Castagna (Class Of 1978)
Susan Gould (Class Of 1975) (Coviello)
Aileen Napoles
Tracy Robinson (Class Of 1976)
Ric Simerly (Class Of 1965)
Jeff Thompson